US Representative – 6th Congressional District
Robert Lamar Bell:
- 1. The lack of reliable and accessible transportation is a major barrier for people with disabilities to access employment opportunities, attend medical appointments, and fully participate in their communities.
Will you support traditional and innovative projects to increase transportation options for people with disabilities in both urban and rural areas?
If yes, please explain how you will support traditional and innovative projects.
Yes. I will support legislation authorizing and funding such projects as well as regulations facilitating such projects.
- The supply of accessible and affordable housing is not sufficient to meet the needs of people with disabilities, causing them to wait months or years to live independently and move out of institutions.
Will you support programs that increase the availability of affordable and accessible housing and programs that encourage home ownership for people with disabilities?
If yes, how will support these programs?
Yes. Through a combination of tax incentives, credits and government grants for disabled veterans and others.
- People with disabilities are affected by many issues. There are many ways to learn about issues affecting people with disabilities, for example: through personal or family experience, meetings with citizens with disabilities or disability leaders, having a disability advisor on your staff, seeking input and advice from a disability advisory committee.
If elected, how will you involve the disability community when making policies that impact people with disabilities?
Seek input from organizations that represent disabled persons. I am partially disabled from injuries caused by a drunken driver.
- 4. The availability of long- term services and supports (LTSS) and where they will be provided pose serious concerns for many people with disabilities and their families. LTSS, funded by Medicaid, can be provided in institutions or in the community. Throughout the years, the demand for home and community based services (HCBS) has steadily increased and the demand for institutional LTSS has steadily decreased. Despite this trend, states are still required by Medicaid to provide institutional LTSS while LTSS in community settings is optional. As the result of this requirement, many states, including Louisiana, have extremely long waiting lists for HCBS.
Do you support requiring states to provide LTSS in settings that reflect the preferences of its citizens with disabilities?
If yes, how would you implement this policy?
Yes. Through Medicaid funding guidelines (through legislation and/or regulations).
On Facebook Bob Bell and Navy Jag Captain Bob Bell for Congress.
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